Thank you for the amazing 2024 season. We are now closed for the year. See you in 2025!
Our Journey
Established in 2017...
The DiFruscia family purchased just over 18 acres of land with the dream of turning this beautiful parcel into a working farm....

Laying the groundwork...
With our Lavender being pesticide-free, we needed a weed control method which didn't involve us being out on hands and knees all spring and summer long. Before any plants went in the ground, we lay down a woven weed barrier, which lets moisture in but inhibits weed growth. Under the black sheets, a drip irrigation system allows us to keep the roots sufficiently watered.

The first plant....

This Lavandula Angustifolia (English Lavender) was the first plant in the ground. It is Munstead and is one of the 7 different cultivars we have on the farm. With over 3000 plants needing to be meticulously hand planted, the whole family needed to lend a hand.
This pristine field has over 3000 freshly planted Lavender plugs, ready to be cared for and grown over the next year. In the first year, these little plants will grow in size by about 10 fold and can produce gorgeous fragrant purple flowers. However, we pruned off the majority of buds allowing the plants' growth to concentrate on establishing a strong root system in preparation for survival through our harsh winters.

3000 plants later...
Our first harvest....
We did not open the farm this year, but we did get to enjoy our first harvest! We were so happy to harvest from our English Lavender plants. Unfortunately our French lavender did not survive the harsh winter of 2019, but our English lavender thrived. We had our first sale this year at the Collingwood Farmer's Market where we sold our fresh and dried bundles along with a few lavender bath and body products.

With the COVID pandemic heating up, Farmers Markets were restricted, so, we made the last minute decision to open our farm, for the first time ever, as an outlet for sales. What an AMAZING year! Not a lot of good has come from the pandemic, but we will be forever grateful for it forcing us to open the farm. We met so many amazing and supportive people, we learned A LOT about how people moved throughout our space and what they were interested in. Sales were done from our Farmers Market tent, the chickens and children were free-ranging, cars were parked on our lawn and some how, it all worked out!
Opening Day!